Saturday, August 13, 2022

Hidden Door Idea for Your Secret Room


1- Bookshelf hidden doors

You may have observed a huge bookcase that consumes a full wall in some houses. The opening exists in one of the sections that magically spring open to expose a concealed room.

Some people use a door-cum-bookshelf as an entrance to a secret space. Having the size of a door, the bookshelf is assembled on the wall but, it will open into a hidden area of a house.

2- Entrance in the wall

It is a very practical and super convenient hidden door idea. But first, consult with a home renovation expert or company and ask them if they can assist you in getting a doorway that flawlessly fits in the wall.

Remember if you leave some empty spaces or alter the style, you risk transforming your secret door into a normal one. Does your wall feature some pattern? If yes, then it's great. Because you can use the pattern to hide the secret entry.

3- Mirror hidden entry

Isn't it a crazy idea? People only see a normal wall-installed mirror. But, upon sliding the mirror, you enter an otherwise invisible room or space.

4- Paneled wall as an entrance

Just use a regular door in a wall and mask it with panels. Isn't this a convenient idea? Your guests would be looking straight at a hidden paneled door without having any clue that there is a whole new place on the other side.

They would certainly be amazed when you open the concealed door. Because the wall would appear as a solid wall with no gaps.

5- Wainscot and Coffered walls as concealed doors

The paneled wall idea is good but sometimes it doesn't fully camouflage the entryway. Wainscoting can help you here.

You can use any one kind of Wainscoting from its five kinds namely, overlay, beadboard, flat panel, raised panel, board, and batten. If you wish to make the process easier, buy trim parts and prefabricated panels. And simply affix them to the wall and concealed door.

6- Washroom secret doors

If you are crazy to make your bedroom look as impeccable as possible, you may also wish to conceal your bathroom from people's sight. It is probably not a great option for your main restroom in the house. However, it might be best for a hardly used guest washroom or your master washroom.

Remember that you would need to guide guests towards your bathroom which may feel embarrassing to them. But, if you love the theatrics and enigma, then go for this idea.

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